Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Cinta itu Sederhana


tak~ada lagi kata 'aku' atau 'kamu' tapi 'KITA '

tak~ada 'masalahmu' atau 'masalahku' tapi 'MASALAH KITA'

bukan 'keluargaku' atau 'keluargamu' tapi 'KELUARGA KITA'

bukan pula 'sedihku' atau 'sedihmu' tapi 'MENGHAPUS KESEDIHAN KITA ' menjadi 'BAHAGIA BERSAMA'

menjadikan '2~hati' menjadi~1

mungkin tidak selalu bersama dalam keadaan apapun tapi saling mendoakan disetiap sujud kita

tidakpula selalu beriringan tapi mempunyai tujuan yang sama 'sakinah mawaddah warrahmah
Bersamamu ..
Insya Allah


Karena sesungguhnya ketika kita berbohong dari hal-hal kecil akan menimbulkan kebohongan yang lebih besar.
Rugilah kamu ketika orang-orang tidak mempercayaimu lagi.
Kejujuran itu sangat mahal harganya, tak ternilai!

Karena wanita itu... Sederhana.

Ia hanya ingin dihargai oleh lelaki yang dicintainya.
Ia hanya ingin dijaga kehormatannya oleh kekasih halalnya.
Ia hanya butuh ketulusan dan kasih sayang yang sesungguhnya.

Ia mampu tetap tersenyum kala teriris hatinya.
Ia mampu tetap berharap walau terkadang hanya kebohongan yang didapatkan.
Ia mampu tetap bertahan kala tak sanggup lagi hatinya menanggung beban.

Ia dapat menjadi pendukung sejatimu seumur hidup.
Ia mampu membuat semangatmu kembali menyala ketika engkau mencoba menyerah.
Ia akan tetap mendukungmu untuk terus berjuang dengan belaian kasih sayangnya.

Ia akan memaafkan ketika engkau mencoba membohonginya.
Ia akan memaafkan ketika engkau mencoba menduakan cintanya.
Ia akan memaafkan ketika engkau mencoba memarahinya.
Ia akan selalu memaafkan bahkan ketika khilafmu sudah teramat besar kepadanya.

Melainkan karena besar harapannya agar engkau kembali pada jalan yang benar.

Melainkan karena kekuatan kasih sayang yang ingin ia tunjukkan agar engkau tetap bahagia.

Wanita diciptakan dari tulang rusukmu wahai kaum Adam.
Maka jagalah kehormatan mereka.
Naikkanlah derajat mereka.
Mereka diciptakan untuk hidup berdampingan denganmu.
Mereka tidak ingin berada diatasmu tapi ingin selalu di sampingmu.

Maka hargailah wanita...
Muliakanlah mereka semulia akhlakmu yang engkau contohkan.
Cintailah mereka seperti mereka yang selalu setia mencintaimu.
Bersikap lembutlah kepada mereka kerana mereka adalah bagian dari ragamu.

Dan bimbinglah mereka agar mendapatkan tempat terhormat di sisi Allah yaitu menggapai Ridha-Nya

Tanpa Judul

Entah apa yang saya pikirkan untuk membuat tulisan kali ini. Ingin rasanya mengungkapkan sesuatu yang selama ini saya pendam, yang selama ini saya tahan-tahan, yang selama ini membuat g-a-l-a-u. Everything!!
Semua yang ditahan itu memang tidak mengenakkan, yeah.. sungguh tidak mengenakkan!
Maybe somebody had can forget the problems, But not with me. I can't to forget all my problems...
Tidak semudah itu untuk melupakan semua yang telah terjadi dan dengan apa yang terjadi kepada saya, saya tidak semudah itu untuk melupakan.
Kejadian yang membuat hati tersayat-sayat oleh sembilu, ngiluuuu.... periihhh.... sakit.... Ahhh... I didn't like that.
I was feel theres something lost, something missing, and dissapier.
'sesuatu yang salah' itu kini menjadi 'sesuatu yang hilang' entah kemana... harus bahagia? ya harus! harusnya seperti itu, harusnya aku bahagia karena 'sesuatu yang hilang' itu kini telah menghilang. Namun, yang aku rasakan sekarang malah sebaliknya.
Kehilangan itu menjadi tanda tanya besar.

*tiba-tiba konsentrasi buyar karena memikirkan (lagi) suatu hal. To be continue aja deh.... See you guys!*

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Something "wrong"

Selamat pagi dunia... Tepat pukul 06.00 WIB saya menulis di halaman ini...
Entahlaaaaaahh.... apa yang aku rasakan tidaklah seperti biasanya. Any something wrong in there! 
but, I dont know what?!
Aku terus bertanya dan menyakinkan pada hati ini untuk selalu berpikir "oh... I'm Okay for today"
Tapi kenyataannya? "I Lied ups" I felt there was something wrong, something uncomfortable in my heart.
Aku tidak tahu dimana letak ketidakrasa kenyamanan ini. Aku terus mencari tahu.... Merasakan....
Dan akhirnya, tetap tidak menemukan jawaban atas perasaan ini.
"Ah.... Mungkin cuma sekedar perasaan khawatir atau yang lain." Batinku seperti itu.
Tapi tetap saja aku tidak nyaman akan perasaan tersebut.
Sampai aku menulis akhir dari tulisanku ini, aku tetap tidak tau perasaan apa yang sedang aku rasakan saat ini..
I dont know why?  I can't to figure it! 
I just can say "Asma Allah" if I feel that. Astagfirullohhalazim.......

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Story about True Love

hehoooo :D what do you think about my voice, guys?  a-ma-zing right? In Indonesia means meng-ge-le-gar xixi :p but, this time i don't wanna discussing my voice, but, for really my story. So.. Cekidooottt!!!!!

Kenalan dulu deh sama tersangka-tersangkanya ya guys, yang pertama:
- Mira => cewek gengsian ini orangnya manis gitu, famous, tapi cueknya minta ampun kalo sama pacarnya. tapi gak nutupin juga klo sebenernya si Mira suayaangnyaa minta ampun sama pacarnya.
- Aldo => nah, ini dia cowok ganteng pacarnya Mira. Dia yang dulu cuek sama Mira sekarang berbanding terbalik sama Mira. Aldo kini menjadi sangat sayang dan seakan tidak mau kehilangan Mira.

Kisah mereka dimulai dari....
Tengtengnteng...... Awal semester pun telah di mulai di Sekolah. Keduanya merupakan siswa dan siswi dari Sekolah Manunggal Jaya. Disinilah mereka pertama kali bertemu. Awalnya mereka emang tidak saling mengenal, karena kecanggihan teknologi-lah mereka bisa saling mengenal satu sama lain. Dijaman sekarang dimana orang tidak mempunyai situs pribadi sebut saja Facebook orang akan merasa tidak gahul. Dan di Facebook-lah Mira dan Aldo berkenalan. 
Tetapi Mira tidak menyadari kalau mereka telah berteman di Facebook. Suatu ketika, Aldo mengirimkan dinding istilah kerenya "menge-wall" ke Mira. Yaaahhh... begituu.... Si Aldo mulai "care" sama Mira. Pada saat itu Mira memang sedang single. Tapi, Aldo berposisi sedang in-relantioship sama someone-nya. Mira memang sedikit jaga jarak pada waktu itu. 
Mira: "dasikuuuu..... kemanaaaa?????" Mira meng-update status di facebook dan berharap ada yang meminjaminya dasi. Karena dasi Mira hilang entah kemana. *teledor banget ini orang ppfft*
dan gak sangka2 Aldo pun meng-coment status Mira dan menawarkan dasinya. Tentu tawaran yang tidak disia-siakan oleh Mira mengingat peraturan di Sekolah yang mewajibkan siswanya memakai dasi. Pagi harinya  Aldo telah menunggu Mira di depan pintu gerbang. Dan di pintu gerbanglah mereka bertatap muka untuk pertama kalinya. *ga so sweet bangeeeeetttttttt!!*  Aldo nyatain
Hari demi hari mereka sering sekali "wall-wallan" dan berlanjut sms-an. Percakapan mereka semakin hari semakin berisi *padi kali berisi haha*. Dan tanpa di duga-duga oleh Mira, pukul 11:20  Aldo nyatain perasanyaanya ke Mira. Speechless!!!!!!!!!!!! dag-dig-dug-deeeeeeeerrrrrrrr............
Bingunglah si Mira buat jawab apa. Dia bingung.. gak biasanya dia bingung kaya gini kalo di tembak sama cowok. Nyatainnya sih emang di sms waktu. *Ini juga ga so sweeetttt!!!!*
Tapi setelah sekian lama Mira mikir di iyain sama Mira dan akhirnya mereka
  JADIAN (´˘з(˘ε˘ )) ​(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) #20022011 #11.20
Hari demi hari mereka mempunyai status baru yaitu "Pacaran" bukan "kakak adek" lagi hehehe
Tetapi tidak seperti orang pacaran umumnya yang weekend pasti keluar satnight pasti quality time-an sama pacar. Kalo Mira sama Aldo Enggak ada, Not Now!! 
Waktu itu Mira belum terbiasa sama status ini, dan Mira masih milih kumpul sama temen2nya daripada sama Aldo. Aldo pun juga begitu, dia juga asik sama temen2nya.
2-4bulan telah berlalu....... Dan ada suatu kejadian *sensor aja deh, yang ini tidak perlu di publish* yang membuat hubungan Mira dan Aldo harus berakhir. Namun... ya begitu deh.. Hubungan mereka malah menjadi lebih  welcome gara-gara pertengkaran and this incident. 
Banyak yang berubah ketika incident itu terjadi. semuanya berbalik 180%.

Banyak yang bilang, kalau hubungan udah jalan mau setahun memang banyak godaan. And, This is really happening with their relationship!!!!!!!

*buyar semua udah kalo mau bahas yang part ini, mau di skip? jangan aja deh lanjut aja sambil nahan amarah dan air mata. #ngaaaah*

Oke jadi gini, You know lah cowok itu kaya gimana? banyak sepik-sepik sana sini. Ini yang di lakuin Aldo ke Mira. Entaaah...... berapa banyak perempuan yang di gituin sama Aldo di belakang Mira. Mira yang awalnya udah merasa comfort sama Aldo, sayang sama Aldo. Everything is changing!!!
it was make She's broke!!! broke broke and brokeeeeeeeeee!!! hurts hurts and huuurrrtttssss!!!!! 
Ini yang ditakutin Mira dari dulu. 
Mira sudah beberapa kali meminta untuk mengakhiri hubungan mereka,
 tetapi Aldo terus saja tidak mau untuk mengakhiri hubungan ini. 
Sering kali ketika Mira meminta putus, pengorbanan Aldo untuk mempertahankan hubungan
mereka dengan Aldo hujan-hujanan datang kerumah Mira dengan kondisi Aldo yang sedang 
sakit pada waktu itu Aldo tetap bergegas datang kerumah Mira. 
Tidak perduli dengan angin malam dan air hujan yang menyergap tubuh Aldo pada saat itu. 
Hati wanita mana yang tega melihat keadaan orang yang dia sayang seperti itu,
 Mira pun mencabut omongannya dan memeluk tubuh Aldo yang sudah basah kuyup.
Perlahan-perlahan Mira mencoba untuk membuka hatinya untuk Aldo kembali. 
Tetapi tidak bisa dipungkiri rasa sakit akibat di khianatin itu masih sering datang 
menghantui perasaan Mira.

Sometimes, Mira sudah tidak kuat dengan perasaan yang sering menghantuinya itu. 
Mira pun berpikir untuk membalas sakit hatinya ke Aldo. 
Dengan bertindak seperti "apa yang di lakuin Aldo ke Mira"
Mira melalukan hal yang sama. Dan what is happend?? Semuanya ketawan! 
ha..ha...haa.... Mira memang tipikal orang yang tidak mudah untuk menyimpan
dan menyembunyikan sesuatu.
termasuk menyembunyikan perasaannya pada saat menulis blog ini. #lhoh? #Entahlaaaaah... :')))
Mira pun menangis dihadapan Aldo sama persis kejadian pada saat 
Aldo menangis di hadapan Mira.
You know what? ada kejadian lucu yang me-nye-sek-kan hati looh, yang gak bisa dilupain Mira.
Waktu Aldo menghantar Mira pulang, Mira memberanikan diri untuk 
membuka HP-nya Aldo untuk kedua kalinya .

*Mira memang mempunyai traumatis untuk membuka Hp-nya Aldo dan ini Mira memberanikan 
diri untuk membuka Hp-nya Aldo......*

Daaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn................................ OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jantung ini berasa tidak lagi berdetak!!! Dan sekali lagi Mira menahan air mata dan emosinya!
Aldo pun mulai menjelaskan isi sms itu, tetapi Mira tetep kekeh untuk tidak mendengarkannya dan 
benar-benaringin mengkahiri hubungan mereka.
Aldo pun sudah kehabisan kata-kata untuk membujuk Mira agar dia Mira memaafkan Aldo, 
Aldo pun menangis di pangkuan Mira. Jujur Mira pun saat itu ikut menangis.
Baru kali ini Mira melihat sosok Pria menangis di pangkuan dan di pelukannya :')
But its all done! Mira memaafkan Aldo. Mira mencoba untuk melupakan masa-masa yang tidak
 meng-enak-kan , me-nye-sek-kan hati dan penuh air mata itu.

Dari sini lah, sikap Mira dan Aldo berubah satu sama lain. 
Saling ingin menjaga perasaan satu sama lain.
Tetapi Mira yang sekarang memang sedikit cuek sama Aldo karena kejadian itu 
membuat Mira TRAUMA  akan hal seperti itu.
Disini memang Aldo sama Mira memang sama-sama salah. 
Mira yang sekarang cuek sok ga perhatian sama Aldo tetapi dibalik sikapnya itu 
Mira tidak mau kehilangan Aldo untuk yang kedua kalinya.
Mira memang sayang sama Aldo, tetapi karena ketutup sama gengsinya  dia untuk 
mengungkapkan yang sebenernya.

Munafik memang Mira bilang seperti ini. 
Mira yang sikapnya sok-sok-an tidak peduli dengan Aldo,
Mira yang selalu acuh dengan Aldo,
Mira yang selalu menunggu Aldo untuk mengabarinya,
Mira yang selalu diam-diam  merekam suara Aldo,
Mira yang selalu memeluk boneka dari Aldo saat tidur,
Mira yang selalu memberikan ucapan Selamat Tidur lewat boneka dari Aldo,
Mira yang sok-sok-an gak mau ketemu padahal pingin banget ketemu,
Mira yang pingin banget di manja sama Aldo,
He..he... Masih banyak sikap Mira yang munafik kaya gini. 
Tapi ya gimana.... It's really really story about true LOVE

Kamis, 29 November 2012

DHomesb Final Exam CCNA Discovery V 4.0

DHomesb Final Exam CCNA Discovery V 4.0

A college network administrator is planning a wireless LAN to provide service in the student lounge and outdoor patio. The requirements include a range of at least 80 meters and a speed of 30 Mb/s. Which wireless LAN standard meets these requirements?

Which network design layer provides a connection point for end user devices to the network?

A host wants to send information simultaneously to all the other hosts in the same network. Which domain will support this type of communication?

An administrator is troubleshooting a network problem that involves the inability of users to reach Internet sites. During troubleshooting, the administrator is able to successfully ping web sites by their IP address, but pings to domain names are unsuccessful. Which service is most likely at fault?


Refer to the exhibit. H1 can ping H2, H3, and the Fa0/0 interface of router R1. H2 and H3 but not H1 can ping H4 and H5. What is a possible cause for the H1 failure?
Router R1 has no route to the destination network.
Switch S1 does not have an IP address configured.
.The link between router R1 and switch S2 has failed.
Host H1 does not have a default gateway configured.

Which statement accurately describes what network devices do in the distribution layer of the three layer design model?
They interconnect individual hosts.
They interconnect multiple companies.
They interconnect local network segments.
They interconnect the company network to the ISP.

Which two components are configured via software in order for a PC to participate in a network environment? (Choose two.)
MAC address
IP address
.subnet mask

Refer to the exhibit. What default gateway address will be assigned to PC1 if access to remote resources is needed?
A default gateway is not necessary.

How does a crossover cable make it possible for two "like devices" (for example, two switches) to communicate?
The transmit pins are disconnected and only the receive pins are used.
The transmit pins on one device are connected to the transmit pins on the other device.
The receive pins on one device are connected to the receive pins on the other device.
.The transmit pins on one device are connected to the receive pins on the other device.

Which two transport layer protocols are used to transfer messages between hosts? (Choose two.)

A user in a small office is unable to connect to the Internet. The user examines the physical connections to the ISR, a Linksys WRT300N, and notices a solid green LED on the port that is wired to the computer. What does the LED indicate about the current state of the port?
The ISR is making adjustments to the port.
The device is plugged in and traffic is flowing.
.The computer is plugged in but no traffic is flowing.
The ISR does not detect that the computer is plugged in.

What is an advantage of purchasing a custom-built computer?
It is beneficial for less knowledgeable consumers.
The waiting period for assembly is negligible.
.The cost is lower compared to a computer that has been preassembled.
The user can specify high-performance components to meet specific needs.

What destination port number would be used if a client wished to establish a secure connection to a web server?

Refer to the exhibit. Assume that the exhibited output is from a host that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What is the first thing that should be checked while using a bottom-up troubleshooting approach?
the default gateway on the host
the IP address on the host
.the IP address on the router
the link status LED on the front of the router
the subnet mask on the host

For the second time in a week, workstations on a LAN are not able to log into the server. The technician fixed the problem the first time, but cannot remember the steps taken to solve it. What aspect of the troubleshooting process has the technician neglected?
.identifying the problem
asking end-users questions
documenting the troubleshooting process
using structured techniques to solve a problem

What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service?
Download speeds and upload speeds are equal.
.Download speeds are faster than upload speeds.
Data traffic speeds are faster than voice traffic speeds.
Used when consistently uploading large amounts of graphics, video and multimedia traffic.

What statement describes the filtering of traffic via the use of Stateful Packet Inspection?
It recognizes and filters predefined URLs
It permits access that is based on the application.
It permits access based on IP or MAC addresses.
.It permits incoming packets that are legitimate responses to requests from internal hosts.
It translates an internal address or group of addresses into a public address that is sent across the network.

Which type of computer has an integrated mouse?
pocket PC

Two switches are interconnected in the same wiring closet. What type of cable is typically used for this connection?
UTP straight-through
multimode fiber
.UTP crossover

What is the default subnet mask for the IP address

A sender uses TCP to transmit multiple segments to a receiver. In the middle of the transmission, the sender does not receive an acknowledgement for one of the segments. What will occur?
.The sender will retransmit the entire message.
The sender will discontinue sending the remaining segments of the message.
The receiver will switch to UDP for the remainder of the message transfer.
The sender will resend the segment that was damaged or lost.

After issuing the ipconfig/all command on a host that has DHCP enabled, a network administrator notes that the output contains faulty IP configuration information. What is the first step the administrator should take to resolve this issue?
Replace the NIC in the host.
Change the IP address of the DHCP server.
Use static addressing to assign the correct IP address.
Use the release and renew options supported by the ipconfig command.

What wireless technology has the ability to communicate with many devices at the same time, makes use of the 2.4 GHz band, and is limited to low-speed, short-range communications?

Which installation option should be chosen when the current operating system is too damaged to work properly?
.clean install

As an assignment, a computer science student needs to present data in binary format. What are the two possible values that the student can use? (Choose two.)

Which protocol is used by a client to retrieve an e-mail from a remote server using a TCP/IP connection?

Which three addresses belong to the category of private IP addresses? (Choose three.)

A user is not able to connect to the network. A PC technician replaces the network cable that connects the PC to the switch port. The user is now able to connect to the network. Which troubleshooting technique did the technician use?
a combination of top-down and divide-and-conquer

What are two examples of peripheral input devices? (Choose two.)
external modem
barcode reader
digital camera

Which portion of the packet does a router use to forward the packet to the destination?
source IP address
user data
destination IP address
control information
destination MAC address

Which wireless protocol is used for encryption?

Which type of network attack occurs when an unauthorized person tries to persuade a user to share a network user ID and password?
brute force
denial of service
data manipulation
social engineering

What is the name for the contract between a customer and an ISP that specifies requirements for uptime and service response time?

Refer to the exhibit. An educational institution needs to connect PC systems that use private IP addressing to the Internet. They have multiple systems that need to access the Internet, but were only able to purchase one public IP address. What should be activated on the Linksys integrated router to achieve this goal?

Which Windows PC command line utility can be used to discover the path that a packet takes to reach a destination?

TCP/IP data transmission between the source and destination host is encapsulated in four steps:
A. adds the data-link header and trailer;
B. converts data to bits for transmission;
C. adds the network IP address to the header of the packet;
D. segments the data for end-to-end transport.

What is the correct sequence of these steps?
A, B, C, D
A, D, B, C
B, D, A, C
D, C, A, B
D, C, B, A

Refer to the exhibit. The security policy of an organization allows employees to connect to the office intranet from their homes. Which type of security policy is this?
acceptable use
incident handling
network maintenance
remote access

What component of a personal computer is responsible for the processing of all data?
system bus
operating system

Refer to the exhibit. A Linksys integrated services router is being used by wireless clients to access a server which is directly connected to an Ethernet port on the router. The server and the clients are using DHCP for IP addressing from the Linksys device and are on the same subnet. The server and the wireless clients are obtaining the correct IP configuration and can ping the Linksys device, but are unable to ping each other. What could be causing this issue?
The ping failures indicate a routing problem on the Linksys device. Check for proper routes.
The symptoms indicate a physical connection problem on the server. Check for the proper cable type and the physical connection.
The problem is most likely occurring on the Linksys device. Check all configurations on the Linksys device to ensure no security restrictions could be causing the issue.
Radio frequency problems are the likely problem if the clients cannot connect to the server on the same subnet. Begin by checking the signal strength at the wireless clients.

When terminating a UTP cable, why is it important to push the wires all the way into the end of the connector?
to allow the cable to endure more stretching or twisting
to ensure good electrical contact
to ensure that the wires are in correct order
to minimize crosstalk 

What describes the external IP address that is obtained by a router through a cable or DSL modem?
a public address that is obtained from ICANN
a private address that is manually configured by the administrator
a public address that is obtained through DHCP from the ISP
a private address that converts to a public address on the internal LAN

Refer to the exhibit. PC1 and PC2 cannot connect to the web server,, but they can ping each other. What are three troubleshooting steps that will help identify the problem? (Choose three.)
Ping the web server from GTWY1.
Ping the default gateway from PC2.
Use the tracert command on PC2 to the web server.
Use the ipconfig command on PC1 to check the default gateway.
Run the netstat command on PC2 to see the active TCP connections.
Use the nslookup command on the PC1 to attempt to resolve

What two commands can be used to form a new binding if client information does not agree with the DHCP client table? (Choose two.)
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew

What does the term "attenuation" mean in data communication?
loss of signal strength as distance increases
time for a signal to reach its destination
leakage of signals from one cable pair to another
strengthening of a signal by a networking device

What procedure will help prevent users from detecting a wireless network?
Enable WEP.
Enable MAC filtering.
Disable SSID broadcasts.
Change the default administrator password on the AP.

Which two causes of networking problems are related to the physical layer? (Choose two.)
damaged cables and connectors
incorrect addressing
incorrect subnet mask
overheated components
incorrect default gateway

Which three statements describe an IP address? (Choose three.)
An IP address is known as a logical address.
An IP address uses a 30-bit addressing scheme.
An IP address is found in the Layer 2 header during transmission
The network portion of an IP address is burned into a network interface card.
An IP address is unique within the same local network.
The network portion of an IP address will be the same for all hosts that are connected to the same local network.

Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true based on the information that is shown in the exhibit?
All wireless devices that are connected to this AP must have an assigned SSID of College.
Any wireless client that is attached to this AP must have the same IP address and SSID.
The AP is not physically wired to the local LAN.
This configuration is found only in an ad hoc wireless network.

Refer to the graphic. Assume that the command output is from a wireless DHCP client that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What can be deduced from the output?
The wireless connection is good.
The WEP key or SSID needs to be checked.
The DHCP configuration on the router needs to be checked.
The wireless NIC driver or the NIC itself needs to be reinstalled.

What is a service pack?
an access policy
an agreement between a company and a vendor
a piece of code created to fix one specific problem
a collection of patches and updates released by a vendor
a small piece of software designed specifically for security issues

In this final exam I got only 84.5 only. Leave me a command for a wrong answers ..
Thanks for your visit my website ..